Soy Creamy Mini Chocolate Sandwiches from Trader Joe's

I manage to stock up every trip that I make, so I only need to go about every two weeks or so. I am not a huge fan of driving a ton, even if I only do it on the
weekends, and I don't really eat so much that I need to make a weekly trip to go there. About a month ago, I ran across that box you see there. TJ's is pretty good with vegan options, and I just had to check out this dessert. (Notice how it has a convenient little V for vegan in the lower left corner! Things like that make my job of checking ingredients so much easier.)
This next picture is a really burry, but
it gives you an idea of the size of one sandwich.
The size ends up being not too big to make you feel 
These little novelties are pretty good. I feel as if the chocolate taste could have been more pronounced considering how the coloring is so dark. It had a slightly rich taste and was neither too bitter nor too sweet. A lot of people complain that non-dairy ice cream can taste too beany, but I did not have that problem. The soy flavor was not too pronounced (but what do I know since I don't eat that other junk anymore?).
I am actually considering buying another box when I make my biweekly trip this Friday. It will help me with my chocolate cravings since last time I bought the Pounder dark chocolate with almonds and managed to inhale it in 9 days. (That may seem like a long time, but that chocolate bar is HUGE.) I am also curious as to how this sandwich would taste if I spread a little bit of peanut butter on it, which is something else I cannot seem to get enough of...
In case you are wondering...
Coming attractions:
talk of green smoothies
farmers' market loot
zucchini bread
and possibly, an apple pie (because my parents brought me literally a bucket of apples from the tree in our backyard at home)
Oh, and Happy World Vegetarian Day (for at least 9 more minutes anyway)!
i've tried these, they ARE yum! they kinda look like toffutti cuties but the texture is different..
I have a TJ's really close to me, but OMGosh, the isles are so small and the place is s crowded that going there is a bit of a struggle. I have learned that if I go by myself it is much easier than with me and my DH. I think women just handle the craziness much better. :o)
TJ's definitely rocks. I wish they offered more organic products, but they do have quite a few :)
blog comments are like roaches...for every one you get there are 100 you can't see!
i wish we had trader joe's down here.
Ooh, might I say I am rather jealous, those look sooo good!
I've never seen those ice cream sandwiches at TJ's. I'm going to have to look harder the next time I go.
No TJ here, I've never even been in one :( boo hoo hoo
That's it, I'm moving!
I'm going to have to go to TJ's. It's been a while. but between this post and my friend telling me about the mango popsicles (have to find out if they are vegan), I'm sold.
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